East Boston Kiwanis Club to Hold Canned
Food Drive for Grace Church
Food Pantry Oct. 25 at Shaw’s
(EAST BOSTON October 19, 2012) – The Kiwanis Club of East Boston
will conduct a canned food drive on Thursday, October 25, 2012, from
5-7 p.m. at Shaw’s Supermarket in Liberty Plaza. The food drive will
benefit the food pantry at the Grace Church Federated in East
Shaw’s customers are asked to purchase canned foods, pastas, and
other dried goods and drop them off at the Kiwanis table that will
be set up outside the exit doors. The Kiwanis will also accept
monetary donations, which will be given to the food pantry and used
to purchase additional food items. All food items and donated funds
go to help those in need in the East Boston community.
The Kiwanis Club of East Boston is an organization of volunteers
dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a
time through community service.
Source: Ed Coletta