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Posted November 30, 2011

Generations Incorporated Looking for Literacy Volunteers Ages 55 and Older

New Programs in East Boston

Generations Incorporated, a non-profit intergenerational literacy organization based out of downtown Boston, has expanded its programs into the Adams and O’Donnell Elementary Schools in East Boston and is currently looking for volunteers.

Generations Incorporated unites elementary school students with volunteers ages 55 and older to strengthen individuals and communities, through their Reading Coaches and Classroom Literacy Programs.

The Reading Coaches program is an intensive, one-on-one mentoring program which follows a standard literacy curriculum focused on enhancing student vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension.

In 2009, a Washington University study found that students in the Reading Coaches program demonstrate 60% more improvement in key literacy skills than students not in our program.

The Classroom Literacy program brings volunteers into elementary school classrooms to work in small group sessions with students.

Volunteers support teacher instruction and reduce the average teacher: student ratio from 1:22 to 1:11, providing small-group interactions which are important for productive learning.

Volunteers typically serve two to ten hours per week, and for those volunteers who are interested in serving ten or more hours some stipends may be available. Generations Incorporated has been in existence for over 20 years and has just recently expanded to the neighborhood of East Boston with the beginning of the 2011 school year.


Contact: Mike Hart
November 30, 2011 617.423.0408
mhart (at)


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