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Improving School Choice: Building Better Options Together

BPS is developing an improved student assignment plan and we want your input!

This spring more than 2,300 people shared ideas for improving school choice and student assignment.

Now, BPS has developed several new options and we'd like to share them with you.

You are invited to community meetings to learn more and let us know what you think:

*Saturday, Sept. 29 (10:30am-lpm): East Boston High School, 86 White St., East Boston (Spanish interpretation)

You can also explore the options and fill out an on-line survey at after Sept. 25
Under the school choice proposals, high schools will remain citywide

Any new plan would be phased in, which means the school choice process for the 2013-14 school year will be similar to what families are used to today

BPS will present several options to the External Advisory Committee on School Choice Monday, Sept. 24

The public meeting will be held at 6pm at the Frederick Pilot Middle School, 270 Columbia Rd., Dorchester

You can watch it live on Boston City TV: Comcast channel 24 and RCN channel 13

The External Advisory Committee is a diverse group of 27 citizens from across Boston examining issues of equity, school quality, access, demographics and academics across all schools.

What comes next?
Based on your feedback and input from the External Advisory Committee, BPS will update the proposals in October and November. Then, the EAC will make a recommendation to the Superintendent, who will bring a proposal to the Boston School Committee in December. The School Committee will then hold additional public hearings before voting on a new plan this winter.

For more information, visit
or call (617) 635-6771

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