45 Chelsea
Street Fund Established to Help Residents Displaced by Collapsed
(East Boston, October 17, 2011) Mayor Menino, Councilor LaMattina,
Rep. Carlo Basile, and Sen. Anthony Petruccelli are raising money
for the victims of the building collapse on Chelsea Street.
The families in 45 Chelsea street were unable to remove their
belongings and lost everything when the building was demolished.
A fundraiser will be held on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 7 P.M. at the
East Boston Yacht Club.
Please make checks payable to "45 Chelsea Street Fund" and send
check to care of East Boston Savings Bank, 10 Meridian Street.
In lieu of money, they are also requesting gift cards to Shaws,
Target, or a similar grocery/clothing store.
For more information, please call
Ernani DeAraujo, Mayor's East Boston Liaison, 617 635 2681,
ernani.dearaujo (at) cityofboston.gov