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The One Fund Boston Surpasses $50 Million in Donations  


212 claim forms received, more expected this week

The One Fund Boston, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established by Mayor Menino and Governor Patrick, today announced it has received $51 million in donations. 212 claim forms have been received, with additional claims expected this week via courier and US Mail, postmarked or delivered consistent with the June 15 deadline.

All donations received before June 27 will be distributed to survivors and families of victims who have submitted eligible claims. Administrator Kenneth Feinberg and his team continue to review all submitted claims on an ongoing basis and payments will be distributed at the end of the month.

The fund will continue to support survivors and families following distribution of initial payments, and no deadline has been set for donations.

Claim forms were mailed to potential claimants who registered through The One Fund Boston website and volunteers contacted hundreds of registrants to offer assistance with compensation claims.

For more information, visit

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