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Statement of Joe Ruggiero on Governor Baker's proposed budget cuts

(Boston, February 4, 2015) -- Today, Joe Ruggiero, candidate for State Representative for the First Suffolk District, issued the following statement in response to proposed budget cuts by Governor Charlie Baker:

"I was extremely disappointed to see that Governor Baker's proposed budget cuts included an extremely vital grant program dedicated specifically to funding substance abuse councilors in our schools. We know that one of the keys to breaking the cycle of addiction is through educating our students early, and to cut this program before it even has a chance to have an impact -- particularly in the face of an opioid epidemic -- is short-sighted and dangerous. I appreciate Governor Baker's efforts to balance our budget, but I've said over and over again that we need to do more to battle addiction and support recovery services across the Commonwealth. This is unacceptable, and as your state representative, I will advocate to restore this funding, and increase funding for recovery services to ensure that everyone who wants to receive treatment has the access to do so."

Learn more about Joe Ruggiero's position related to recovery and substance abuse:

Joe Ruggiero declared his candidacy for State Representative for the First Suffolk District in December, representing East Boston. Joe is a lifelong East Boston resident and small business owner. He is an active member of the East Boston Chamber of Commerce and a recent appointee to the Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan Committee. He has been a dedicated volunteer and leader for a number of youth-based organizations within East Boston, including the East Boston YMCA, East Boston Youth Basketball League, East Boston Little League, and the Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Youth Organization (CYO). In addition to his roles in youth mentoring and neighborhood business development, Ruggiero is an active member of St. Joseph & Lazarus Parish, and an active organizer of East Boston Substance Abuse Awareness Day and founding organizer of the Mayor's Annual Family Fun Day. To learn more about Joe Ruggiero and his candidacy, visit

Source: Ruggerio Campaign

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