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House of Representatives Passes Bill Authorizing $200 Million for Municipal Road and Bridge Construction

(BOSTON) – State Representative Carlo P. Basile joined his colleagues in the Massachusetts House of Representatives today in passing legislation to apportion $14,410,230.00 for the maintenance of roads and bridges in Boston for the upcoming fiscal year.

Overall, the bill authorizes $200 million for the maintenance and upkeep of municipal roads and bridges across the Commonwealth. This $200 million marks a high for Chapter 90 funding and demonstrates the House’s strong commitment to local road and bridge funding.

"These funds will provide the opportunity for cities and towns to make necessary infrastructure improvements in their communities,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D – Winthrop). “Having the ability to maintain and make much-needed repairs on roads and bridges across will further ensure the safety of drivers across our state."

"I’m pleased that the House was able to act swiftly on the local road and bridge funding piece of the Governor’s most recent transportation bond bill in advance of the April 1st deadline,” said Representative William Straus (D – Mattapoisett), Chairman of the Joint Committee on Transportation. “We have moved quickly on the legislation so that the monies will be able to get to cities and towns as soon as possible and construction may begin."

"The Chapter 90 allocation allows cities and towns the opportunity to continue to invest in repairs to ailing roads and bridges,” said Representative Brian Dempsey (D – Haverhill), Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means. “It is important that we show support for local infrastructure improvements with this funding.”

“Chapter 90 funds are crucial for maintaining roads and bridges in our cities and towns,” said Representative Antonio Cabral (D – New Bedford), Chairman of the House Committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets. “These investments save money by addressing necessary maintenance needs and protecting the infrastructure that encourages businesses and families to locate in Massachusetts.”

“Thanks to the efforts of my peers in the legislature, we have rapidly moved forward with this Chapter 90 allocation,” Representative Carlo P. Basile (D – East Boston), Vice Chairman, Financial Services, said. “With this 200 million, our cities and towns will have the resources to maintain and repair their roads and bridges thereby ensuring the safety of motorists in the Commonwealth.”


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