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PUBLIC SERVICES : Important Notice 3/14/2011

Eagle Hill Civic Association to Meet on Wed., March 30

This Wednesday, March 30th @ 7PM at the high school, is the Eagle Hill Civic Association's March meeting.

The Agenda is as follows:
* Station 7 Update

* Richard Lynds representing Rino's 300-302 Saratoga St. Change from a retail store to a cafe serving beer, wine, cordials

* Debbie Eccleston & Rachael Cracknell
Harbor Area Early Childhood Services
North Suffolk Mental Health

* Michael Sulprizio, Coordinator
Harborside Community Center

* Ernani DeAraujo
Meredith Weenick, Mayor's health care agenda

* Mark Fitzgerald, Location Manager
Filming on Eagle Hill

* Laurie Holmes
SUN (Stabilizing Urban Neighborhoods)
foreclosure response program

* Announcements

In addition, there are a few things happening in the neighborhood:

Thursday March 31 @ East Boston Social Centers: There is a meeting with 16 students from MIT and East Boston's Main Streets on "Improving East Boston" and they are looking for feedback on their findings.

East Boston Library is now on Facebook, they have a lot of events happening and have posted links historic photos of East Boston! Support them and hit the "Like" button!!/pages/East-Boston-Branch-of-the-Boston-Public-Library/105343069503077

Clean up East Boston is an open forum on Facebook with over 300 people involved that are communicating their problems and solutions with the pollution in East Boston! Hit the "Like" button and start your solution!!/CleanupEastBoston



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