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Gove Street Citizens Association Meeting: March 30
DATE: Monday, March 30, 2015
TIME: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The Gove Street Citizens Association monthly meeting agenda:
* 175 Orleans Street Loftel Boston Hotel - proposal for a 127-room boutique
hotel (Former Picariello and Singer factory building) (1st appearance)
* 205 Maverick Street Market - proposal for a retail alcohol license (1st
* 97-99 Everett Street - proposal for an 8 residential unit with garage (1st
LOCATION: DRIVING-The Noddle Island Community Room on the
first floor of the Massport Rental Car Center at 15 Transportation Way. WALKING-
Situated at the end of Porter Street just past the Embassy Suites Hotel.
All meetings are held on the last Monday of each month at the
above location starting at 6:30 pm.