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Jeffries Point  Neighborhood Association Planning and Zoning Meeting Nov. 19

Below is the agenda for the November 19th Planning & Zoning meeting. The meeting will be held at 7 PM at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club, located at 565 Sumner Street. Everyone is welcome to attend.

361 Maverick Street, Erecting a 3 family dwelling on an empty lot. Represented by George Morancy, Esq.

101 Cottage Street, Renovation represented by Richard Lynds, Esq.

62 Gove Street, Construction of a new 3 family on an empty lot, represented by Richard Lynds, Esq.

18-22 Haynes Street, construction on one empty lot, and renovation of an adjacent building, residential project, new construction has street level parking. Represented by Richard Lynds, Esq.

Future Automotive, (31 Orleans Street) renovation of a commercial business to 15 residential rental units, with parking underground. Represented by SDS Development

Frankfort & Maverick Street, (202 Maverick Street) Demolition of an existing structure and a building of multi unit residential space with underground parking. Represented by Richard Lynds, Esq.
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