Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association reschedules
February Meeting
The Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association meeting scheduled for
Monday, February 14, 2011 has been canceled and rescheduled for
Wednesday. February 16.
The meeting will be held in the conference room of the Boston Harbor
Shipyard & Marina 256 Marginal Street, East Boston. The meeting will
start at 7:00 PM .
• JPNA business
• 144-146 Webster Street –Board of Appeal Hearing Date 2/22/11-9:30
1. Add an additional unit to the existing (4) unit dwelling
2. Violation Comments
3. Article 53 Section 8 Multifamily use, Forbidden
4. Article 53 Section 9,Additional Lot Area Insufficient
5. Article 53, Section 56, Off-Street Parking Insufficient
· 295 Webster Street _Board of Appeal Hearing Date- No date assigned
for this address at the present time
· Applicant seeks permission to install and maintain a fence
measuring 93.5” to 110”
City of Boston Parks Department planning meeting for the Sumner
Street Playground will take place on Monday, March 14, 2011