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Land Use Council Schedule
Community Calendar
Board of Appeal Hearing List*
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District A-7 Police Station
Piers Park Sailing
Wi-Fi Hotspots in EB
Music: Salvatore Baglio 
Salesian Boys & Girls Club
Friends of EB Greenway

Historical Markers

Historic Sites
News Archive
Logan Flight Info
Italia Unita
East Boston YMCA
L. Florence Charitable Fund

Official MA Ode by Joseph Falzone

Mt. Carmel Archive

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EB Branch Library
EB Chamber of Commerce
Politics and Elections
East Boston on Wikipedia
Resources for Boston Youth
East Boston APAC
Calls to Action
Suffolk Downs


How prepared are you for a megastorm?

Come and find out what you can do to
prepare your family in the event of
a storm or climate disaster!

Disaster Preparedness Awareness Event At Maverick Landing
When: Monday, January 27, 6:00-8:00 pm
Where: Maverick Landing Community Room
31 Liverpool St., East Boston
There will be a film showing of “The Megastorm”,
Food, Raffles, Spanish translation and
Childcare (ages 5-10, limited space) !!

This is a partnership between Neighborhood of Affordable Housing (NOAH), Maverick Association of Residents (MAR) with the help of Maverick Landing Community Services (MLCS), Trinity Management and the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management

Maverick Association of Residents (M.A.R.)
31 Liverpool Street, East Boston, MA 02128
617-569-5100/ fax 617-567-2420
Twitter:  @MAREastBoston
Office Hours:  10am-1pm, Tuesday & Thursdays




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