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City of Boston Animal Care and Control Launches Online Licensing for Dogs: May 3 for Eastie

(BOSTON, MA - March 14, 2014) Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced an easy and secure way for Boston pet owners to apply for dog licenses online. The online application process, available now, will make registration much easier, and the review process more manageable for Animal Care and Control personnel. Owners can apply for a dog license and access more information on-line at

“Not only does this protect the health of our local pets, owners, and neighbors, it’s also a great step toward streamlining the way we do business here in Boston,” Mayor Walsh said.

The City of Boston is working with a third-party vendor, Invoice Cloud, to provide online pay services for pet licenses. There will be an online credit and debit card service charge of 2.95% associated with each transaction ($1.00 minimum).

Over the summer, the City of Boston will embark on a new public education campaign to raise awareness of the importance of dog licensing. Dog owners may be subjected to fines if their pet remains unlicensed.

Earlier this month, the City of Boston launched a series of dog licensing and low-cost rabies vaccine clinics. The clinics will be held in locations throughout every
neighborhood, including:

East Boston • Saturday, May 3 • 10AM–2PM at BCYF Martin Pino Community Center 86 Boardman Street (Formerly Orient Heights Community Center)

Boston's Animal Care and Control unit offers a variety of services to Boston residents. Its mission is to provide responsive, efficient animal control services, provide a high quality  of animal care and to promote responsible pet ownership.

Source: Mayor's Press Office



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