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Mayor Walsh and community partners kick off tax season
Offer eligible working families assistance with tax prep and identifying tax credits

(BOSTON, February 11, 2014)– Mayor Martin J. Walsh and a coalition of community and business partners kicked off the 2014 Boston Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) campaign and celebrated the opening of 24 community-based tax preparation centers.

The centers, open now through April, will assist low- and moderate-income families with filing their taxes and identifying their eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), an often-overlooked federal and state income tax credit.

"What this is all about is helping people move out of poverty and build up wealth. We have to make sure Boston is a city where everyone can climb the economic ladder to success," said Mayor Walsh. "The EITC Campaign is important part of our plan to make sure everyone in Boston shares in our economic growth. My message to all Bostonians is: Get your taxes done for free at one of our sites across Boston so you can put some money back into your pocket for you and your families."

The Boston EITC campaign is being supported by community and business partners, including the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Boston Federal Reserve Bank, Work INC, Action for Boston Community Development, Boston Housing Authority, Greater Boston Legal Services, 1199SEIU, Codman Square Health Center, Dorchester House, and more.

At the tax centers, community partners provide free tax preparation and asset-building services staffed with IRS-certified community and business volunteers.

Families, individuals and seniors who meet certain financial guidelines are eligible for the following tax credits:

Households that earned up to $46,227 ($51,567 married filing jointly) with three or more qualifying children may receive up to $6,951.
Families who earned up to $43,038 ($48,378 married filing jointly) with two qualifying children, may earn up to $6,178.
Anyone earning up to $37,870 ($43,210 married filing jointly) with one qualifying child, may receive as much as $3,738.
A taxpayer without children who earned up to $14,340 ($19,680 married filing jointly) with no qualifying children can receive up to $560.

Senior citizens may be eligible to receive up to an additional $1,030 from the State of Massachusetts through the “Circuit Breaker Tax Credit.” This credit is available to all eligible seniors who pay unsubsidized rent or property taxes and is retroactive for three years. The “Circuit Breaker” offers a tremendous financial opportunity for those who qualify. It is important to note that seniors must file a tax return in order to receive the Circuit Breaker credit.

Free Tax-Preparation Sites:

To find a FREE tax preparation site near you visit or call 617-918-5259. You can also go to or call 617-348-6583, visit the Mass Cash Back website at, or visit Other statewide resources can be seen at

Source: Mayor's Offfice, City of Boston
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