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Latest News from Salesian Boys and Girls Club

November 28, 2011

Salesian Boys & Girls Club, East Boston: Steve Scire, owner of Carlo’s Catering and Market is presented a certificate of appreciation from Fr. John Nazzaro, executive director, Stephen Fielding, director of development and Board members Peter Scolaro and Ed Deveau. Carlo’s is the oldest family owned deli in East Boston and has been a true friend and benefactor to the Salesian community in East Boston for many years. Photo Credit Stephen Fielding.


Salesian Board of Directors 2011-2012Group photo: Front Row(L. to R.): Amy Wortzman, Anuschka Miranda, Kim Altschul, Rita Lombardi; Back Row (L. to R.): Kempton Fleming, Peter Scolaro, Fred Scopa, Lou Ranelli, Michael Sulprizio, Tony Zambuto, Buddy Mangini, Fr. John Nazzaro, Edward Deveau, Joseph Mario. Missing from photo: Scott Heigelmann and John White. Photo Credit- Stephen Fielding

Salesian Boys & Girls Club, East Boston: Chip Tuttle, COO of Suffolk Downs is presented A Thank You plaque from Fr. John Nazzaro, executive director, for being the guest speaker at the Salesian Boys & Girls Club Board of Directors Annual Meeting. Photo Credit Stephen Fielding


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