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Survey Promotion
Earlier this year, Mayor Martin J. Walsh launched Boston Creates, a cultural
planning process for Boston. The resulting cultural plan will define a new
vision for the City of Boston to ensure that all residents can fully experience
and benefit from Boston’s vibrant arts and cultural life. Boston Creates is part
of larger, overall vision for the City: Imagine Boston 2030. Led by the Mayor's
Office, Imagine Boston will define a vision for the future of the city leading
up to its 400th birthday.
To ensure Boston Creates represents the hopes, dreams and creative interests of
all residents who live or work in the City, we invite you, your friends, and
your family living in the Boston area to take the Boston Creates Community
Survey. Your participation will help to illustrate the kinds of arts, cultural
and creative activities that are most meaningful to Boston area residents,
identify barriers and obstacles that prevent people from taking advantage of
cultural programs and activities, and inform decisions about what arts and
cultural programs should be supported in the future.
The survey is open to all individuals (ages 12+) who live and work in the City
of Boston, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.
To take the survey in English, click here:
To take the survey in Spanish, click here:
Draft Facebook Posts
· The City of Boston is undergoing a Cultural Planning Process and wants to hear
from you. Help define a new vision for the City of Boston and ensure all
residents can benefit from Boston’s vibrant arts and cultural life. Add your
voice to the process by taking the Boston Creates survey
· What are the arts, cultural and creative activities most important to you?
Share your ideas and opinions in Boston’s cultural planning process. Take the
Boston Creates survey and help define a new vision for the City of Boston.
Draft Twitter Posts
· The City of Boston is undergoing a Cultural Planning Process. Add your voice
by taking the #BostonCreates survey
· Help define a new cultural vision for the City of Boston. Take the #BostonCreates
· Live or work in Boston? Add your voice to the cultural planning process by
taking the #BostonCreates survey