Italia Unita Carnevale at Zumix
Join Italia Unita on Thursday, February 19, 2012
from 3PM to 6PM at Spinelli’s Zumix Firehouse, 262 Sumner Street,
East Boston for our version of “Carnevale”!
The event will consist of skits, jokes, masquerade and fun!
Italia Unita Youth Artistic leader Pascal Gangi will have on display
paper mache art, while an ongoing slide show of “Carnevale” around
Italy will be highlighted throughout the day. You may dress up or
put on a complimentary mask at the event while Italia Unita’s
artistic group entertains you. If you feel like putting on your
dancing shoes, you can join in on the fun!
Bring your sweet tooth because we are serving traditional Carnvevale
desserts such as Pignolata (a Sicilian specialty) and Chiacchiere
literally translates into “chatter”, “chit-chat”, or “gossip”, but
in this context it is a strip of sweet pastry dough fried and coated
with powdered sugar.
So bring your masks or dress up in Carnevale mode for an afternoon
of fun and Italian culture. Donation admission is $10. For more
information please call 617-561-3201 or log onto