September 1, 2003
Contact: East Boston Artists Group
(617) 759-2492
Come to the Island to check
out the 3rd annual East Boston Open Studios.
When: Columbus Day Weekend
Saturday, October 11 Noon - 6:00pm
Sunday, October 12 Noon - 6:00pm
Monday, October 13 Noon - 4:00pm
Columbus Day weekend is the time for three days of fantastic local art
in East Boston. This diverse neighborhood is
hosting its third Open Studios, organized by the East Boston Artists
Group (EBAG). Come see original artwork
ranging from sculpture to photography and jewelry to painting. Buy local
art and eat great food at one of the many
international restaurants in Eastie. A
longtime destination for immigrants and artists, East Boston has seen an
exciting rise in these populations, bringing
vital energy and potential. EBAG has harnessed this energy to form a
community of artists which has hosted numerous
exhibitions, fund-raisers, public art projects, and opened Atlantic
Works - EBAG's cooperative gallery for art and ideas.

Getting there and around is fun and easy!
Take the free "Art Ferry", leaving from Columbus Park in downtown
Boston and taking you to the East Boston where
you can catch the "Art Bus", which will pick up passengers every 30
minutes, making stops at all official Open
Studios locations. Take the Blue Line to Maverick Station, just one stop
from the Aquarium, where you can also catch
the "Art Bus". Driving is easy too via the Ted Williams or the
Sumner Tunnel.
We suggest starting your visit at Tony's Realty, next to Maverick
Station, to pick up your map and artists'
information and to see a sampling of work at the group show. From Tony's
you can continue on to
ZUMIX for a youth art exhibition, the
Main Streets Office, artist studios in Jeffries Point, and to 80
Border Street, a hub of activity. At Border Street see outdoor
art a huge collection of resident and visiting
artists in the studios inside. Here you can pick up maps and information
as well.
EBAG, the organizers of East Boston's Open Studios, is a volunteer
enterprise led by artists living and working
in East Boston. Cooked up at a backyard barbeque in the summer of 2000,
EBAG is a growing collective of local artists
with big plans for the future: Spring Open Studios (starting next June),
fund-raisers, monthly exhibits, and, of course, making more art!
For more information, please contact the East Boston Artists Group.
Visit us online at or call (617) 759-2492. |