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Free Tax Help for Boston Residents at APAC

East Boston APAC
21 Meridian Street
East Boston, MA 02128

What to bring with you to your tax appointment

  • Photo ID for you and your spouse, if applicable
  • Social security cards for you, your spouse, your children and other dependents
  • If you have an ITIN, bring the letter or the card which shows the number
  • All W-2 forms (earnings statements) for you and your spouse for EVERY employer during 2012.  Even if you worked only a short period of time
  • All 1099 forms (including 1099G, for unemployment payments and 1099R for any pension payments received)
  • Total payments made for child care expenses as well as the name, address and SSN or child care provider.
  • For 1098 (Tuition payment statement) for each household member who attended college in 2012 and the total amount of student loan interest paid
  • Massachusetts residents are now required to have health insurance.  If you have private health insurance, your provider will send you a copy of 1099-HC in the mail. Please bring this form with your to the tax site.
  • Total rent paid in 2012.
  • Your checkbook or routing and account numbers if you would like direct deposit.
  • Any correspondence from the Internal Revenue Service
  • Copy of your 2011 tax return.

Unfortunately this program is NOT for homeowners. Help will be provided to Boston residents who earn less than $50,000 per year (individual basis).


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