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Mayor Menino Calls for Boston Shines

Though it certainly doesn’t feel like it, spring has arrived in Boston. In just more than three weeks, Mayor Thomas M. Menino will kick off the 11th Annual Boston Shines Citywide Neighborhood Clean Up and Community Service Volunteer Program. During the weekend of April 26-27, thousands of volunteers across all Boston neighborhoods will come together to volunteer in the City’s public spaces. Several new projects are being planned for this year, and volunteers are needed in all areas of the City.

“Boston Shines is a great way for residents and local businesses to give back to their community,” Mayor Menino said. “Our goal this year is to have more
volunteers, repaint more crosswalks, repair more signs, and plant more flowers than ever before to get our City ready for the spring and summer.”

Organized by the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services, the Boston Shines 365 Program provides individuals and neighborhood groups with tools and
materials to clean parks, recreational spaces and business districts in order to prepare Boston for the spring and summer.

Last year’s landmark 10th Anniversary of Boston Shines saw a record-breaking 6,506 volunteers, comprising 329 groups, volunteering in 806 project sites citywide. The Boston Transportation Department removed 19 abandoned cars, repainted 340 crosswalks, and
repaired/replaced 361 signs. The Public Works Department removed 92 tons of debris from the various project sites.

The Office of Neighborhood Services was able to provide more than 800 flowers to groups across the neighborhoods for planting. Major park cleanups were
coordinated by the Parks Department at the Boston Common, Franklin Park, Dorchester Park, and the East Boston Greenway. The event involved a dozen City
departments and partners from many State agencies as well as several dozen private institutional partners.

Planning for this year’s program is well underway. Individuals and groups can register online at the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services website:
nes/2013.asp. You can find out more information and ways to get involved by calling the Office of Neighborhood  Services at 617-635-3485, or the Mayor’s
24 Hour Hotline (617-635-4500) on weekends and after-hours. This year, the City will ask volunteer groups to submit their photos and stories via social media
using #BostonShines.

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