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Secretary of State William Galvin to swear in new Suffolk County Register of Probate Patty Campatelli on Dec. 31; Chief Justice Paula Carey to conduct Oath of Office Jan 2. 

Register-Elect of Suffolk County Probate and Family Court, Patricia "Patty" Campatelli, is pleased to announce she shall be officially sworn in by Secretary of State William Galvin on Monday, December 31, 2012 at 4:00 PM at Ecco Restaurant in East Boston.

This is a private event, however, the Press is welcome to attend.

Register-Elect Campatelli proudly invites the public to attend her swearing in ceremony with the Honorable Chief Justice Paula Carey conducting the Oath of Office, Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 3:00 PM at The Edward Brooke Court House in Boston.

A public reception immediately following the ceremony will be held at The Orient Heights Yacht Club in East Boston, all are welcome to attend.

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