April 3, 2018: Boston city councilor Lydia Edwards to hold hearing on housing speculation


Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards to hold hearing on Housing Speculation 

Council to examine displacement, affordability standards, progress on meeting Boston’s housing production goals

WHAT: The Committee on Housing and Community Development will hold a hearing on housing speculation and other trends affecting residents and the real estate market, including displacement of communities, the proliferation of luxury units and whether the standards of affordability in new development match incomes of current Boston residents. 

Members of the public are encouraged to attend or submit testimony.

WHERE: Iannella Chamber, 5th Floor, Boston City Hall

WHEN:   1 p.m., April 3rd


  • Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, Chair, Committee on Housing and Community Development

  • Representatives of the Boston Department of Neighborhood Development and the Boston Planning and Development Agency 

  • Members of Right to the City Boston

  • Various real estate industry representatives have been invited to testify

Link to official notice: https://www.boston.gov/public-notices/40366