At LoPresti Park press conference, District 1 City Councilor Lydia Edwards endorses At-Large City Councilor Michelle Wu for mayor


Supports colleague for past and current advocacy of issues in the District such as curbing AirBnB and promoting inclusiveness in all policy matters.

Boston, MA July 21, 2021— City Councilor Lydia Edwards (District 1), representing East Boston, Charlestown and the North End, today announced her endorsement of her colleague Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston. Wu and Edwards have partnered on numerous issues in their years serving together on the Boston City Council, from passing groundbreaking legislation to keep rents down by regulating short-term rentals, stand with community for environmental justice, and expand paid family leave.

“Michelle Wu is the leader we need in Boston at this moment to connect our neighborhoods and move us forward towards a more fair, just and equitable city. I know from partnering with her on some of our deepest challenges that she works tirelessly, shows up when our neighborhoods need her and always does what’s right, even when it’s not what’s easy. I could not be more proud to endorse my friend and colleague Michelle Wu to become the next Mayor of Boston, and look forward to working hard to continue to fight for a city for all of us,” said Councilor Lydia Edwards.

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“I’m honored to have the support of my friend and partner on the Council, Councilor Lydia Edwards. In the years that we’ve known each other, even before serving together on the Council, I’ve always respected her tenacity, empathy and leadership. It’s been a delight to organize alongside her for economic justice, housing stability, and workers’ rights, and I look forward to continuing our partnership to make Boston a city for everyone,” said Michelle Wu.

Councilor Edwards was elected to the Boston City Council in 2017, having spent her entire career as an advocate, activist, and as a voice on behalf of society’s most vulnerable. She previously held roles as deputy director within the City of Boston’s Office of Housing Stability; public interest attorney with Greater Boston Legal Services focusing on labor issues; and statewide campaign coordinator for the Massachusetts Coalition for Domestic Workers, which advocated for the passage of the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights.

On the City Council, Edwards has served as Chair of the Committees on Housing and on Government Operations. She has championed workers’ rights, housing justice, and democratic accountability with impactful legislation focused on equity. In 2018, Wu and Edwards teamed up to author and pass groundbreaking municipal legislation to regulate short-term rental platforms such as Airbnb that were driving up rents and displacing Boston residents.

City Councilor Lydia Edwards’ endorsement adds to the Michelle for Mayor campaign’s enthusiastic coalition of multi-generational, multicultural grassroots supporters including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, State Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; unions Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of Unite Here!, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; environmental organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit

To learn more about Michelle Wu and her campaign, visit or connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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Remarks by City Councilor Lydia Edwards at today’s press conference.

Good morning. My name is Lydia Edwards. I represent East Boston Charlestown and the North End.

I proudly and wholeheartedly endorse Michelle Wu to be the next Mayor Boston. We are a special city in a special time and we need Michelle’s leadership.

Boston is emerging from a pandemic, and each and every single one of us is in some form of recovery. No one can say they weren’t impacted from 2020.

Fewer and fewer of us can say we are made whole and things are going “just fine.”

We watched George Floyd get murdered and racial reckoning emerge around the country, we were isolated from each other, we were angry, financially crippled, with no child care.

We are right to question ALL SYSTEMS.

We need a leader today that can see the moment and create a movement that brings us together!

Today, Michelle is that person because so much of what she has done.

Today, Michelle is that person because of who she has inspired and empowered along the way, Michelle is that person because of the innovative, hopeful, excited vision for the future.

She sees the silver lining, and inspires me to see the rainbow at the end of the storm.

All that she has done is based on her deep love of Boston and because she is protective of our city. Protection from Airbnb, irresponsible developers, industries that threaten our clean air and water.

She, like no one else I know, believes in what government can do, especially at the local level.

So much of what the city is doing today is based on the legacy and ideas of Michelle. Look at our Parental Leave Ordinance, Digital Infrastructure and Language access to name a few.

Michelle sees Boston for the incredible city that it is and the bright beautiful future we have.

She, like me, believes there is no limit to the BRIGHT LIGHT of BOSTON and we refuse to Play SMALL BALL!

The leaders we choose matter. We should judge them and hold them to high standards: What do they do when they are under pressure? What do they do when they disagree? What do they do when they have to make an incredibly unpopular decision?

These things matter, experience matters. These are real tests of leadership. I am a witness to Michelle’s grace under fire.

I am testament to her impact on the city council and young women. Heck a lot of the bold things I have can be directly connected to Michelle.

If you think your leaders should take policy to the public then look no further than her town halls on planning or organized city-wide awareness around T hikes.

If you think your mayor should be able to stand toe with the administration and lobbyists…

When I was in the room where it happened and I saw her push for the Mayor to withdraw his policy on AirBnb because it wasn’t strong enough… WHILE HOLDING HER BABY!

If you think you next mayor should inspire men and women and push us to be better bolder than look no further than Michelle.

Look Michelle, is unapologetic about pushing us to rebound with equity and not RECOIL in to the status quo.

She rejects the cynicism that would have us stick with failing systems because they are familiar. We need to put it all on the table and shoot our shot. We need bold leadership RIGHT NOW.

When I thought long and hard about who I would support for mayor. I had to remember when I needed a voice and who made me feel seen, valued, that I could dream.

I was a young activist [working with] domestic workers and she was young a woman of color like me!

I was a first-time candidate fear filled and nervous when I got the call from Michelle stating she was with me. I will never forget that day. The sense of hope it brought me. Even though I didn’t win the senate race, I felt seen.

So why am I endorsing Michelle Wu?

As my mother stated, “That Wu lady was there for you.”

So, I say to the student workers, the millennials, the seniors, the immigrants, the families trying to pay rent, those struggling with addition, those of us living in gentrifying neighborhoods, desert to own a home, still struggling with child care, hose struggling with addiction and mental illness,

Michelle will never forget you! She will empower you

She will be there for you.