ART BASIL: a cutting-edge group show at Atlantic Works Gallery on Border Street (January 2018)


ART BASIL: a cutting-edge group show at Atlantic Works Gallery
January 12-27, 2018
Opening Reception, Thursday, January 18, 6-9pm

(EAST BOSTON, January 3, 2018) Atlantic Works Gallery has a history of staging offbeat group shows to satisfy the personalities and talents of our eclectic artist members…

…so, this past summer, when one of our members climbed up a ladder to get basil from his rooftop garden only to fall off the ladder and bust his face up but good, we joked that the portrait he took of himself after returning from the hospital should be titled, Art Basil.

And then it hit us–our first 2018 group show must be Art Basil! What better way to play off the whole ART BASEL thing and its attendant hoopla and, at the same time, challenge ourselves to create amazing new work for the new year.

Another of our extraordinary members had the idea for an Art Basil cookbook that showcases AWG art and basil recipes, which we promptly got to work on. It is available at the gallery.

Now you have it: an invitation to the ART BASIL show, featuring ‘a garden of work’ that includes color-on-canvas by Carmen Sasso, suicide monoprints by Christine Palamidessi, an off-beat sculpture by Rachel Shatil, quivering mandalas by Marjorie Kaye, creepy digital-refuse insects by Leigh Hall, remarkable Paul Wiener photographs…and more tantalizing–and may we say it: delicious–art.

(While you are here you can check out the remarkable transformation happening on the East Boston Waterfront, too, of which AWG is prime art player.)

FOR MORE INFO, or to request an Art Basil cookbook or a private viewing, contact Anna Salmeron at or 617.913.1871, or Christine Palamidessi at or 617.460.0550.

Winter Gallery hours: Fridays and Saturdays 2-6pm, or by appointment*