East Boston loves its “Bathtub” Madonnas, come learn why at the BPL


As home to Boston’s largest Italian-American population, East Boston has the city’s highest prevalence of front yard shrines dedicated to the Virgin Mary (known in Italian as La Madonna).

Come learn about the history and significance of these creative and beautiful devotional expressions at a free online talk sponsored by the Friends of the East Boston Library.

The talk will feature Rutgers Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, Regina Marchi, Ph.D., herself a fourth generation East Bostonian.

Dr. Marchi’s research on East Boston’s yard shrines has been published in Visual Communication Quarterly and the Fall 2021 edition of Primo magazine.

This is a live, virtual talk that will take place over the video conferencing platform Zoom. To register, email Margaret Kelly at mkelly@bpl.org

East Boston’s “Bathtub” Madonnas 

Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021 

6:30-7:30 p.m