Feb. 27, 2016: East Boston Democrats to elect delegates to state convention


(East Boston, January 22, 2016) Registered Democrats in East Boston will be holding a caucus at the Mario Umana Academy on February 27, 2016 at 10:00am to elect eighteen (18) delegates and three (3) alternates to the 2016 Massachusetts Democratic Convention, where Democrats from across Massachusetts will gather to adopt a new Action Agenda.

The Convention will be held on Saturday, June 4th at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell.

“This is going to be an exciting year as we Massachusetts Democrats work on the presidential election, both here in Massachusetts and across the country,” commented Democratic National Committee Woman, Kate Donaghue. “In addition to the normal proceedings, the June convention is going to focus on training in party building, electoral techniques and issue-based organizing.”

The caucus is open to all registered Democrats in East Boston, and the Democratic Committee welcomes participants. Delegates will be divided equally between men and women, and all ballots will be written and secret.

In the spirit of inclusion, youth, minorities, and people with disabilities who are not elected as delegates or alternates may apply to be “add-on” delegates.

For more information on the caucus or the committee please contact Michael Sulprizio  at msulprizio@comcast.net / 617-438-0952.

Source: Michael Sulprizio