Progressives Logroll Themselves Out of a Pro-Tax Constitutional Amendment … But For How Long? | NewBostonPost


The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s recent rebuke to supporters of a graduated income tax amendment showed how progressives failed to understand the checks and balances of the state’s constitution —conceived admirably by John Adams and amended narrowly and —perhaps ironically —by turn-of-the-20th-century Progressives. 

The ruling was a stinging defeat for Raise Up Massachusetts, the union-backed coalition that spearheaded the petition drive, and state Attorney General Maura Healey, who certified the petition last year. Healey, and others, made clear that, even in defeat, they intend to pursue higher taxes.

Both the Attorney General and her allies expected the court to overlook the niceties of constitutional law in favor of vague sentiments such as fixing potholes and reducing income inequality. 

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