Statement from City Councilor Lydia Edwards on the mayor’s ordinance regulating short-term rentals


“The Mayor’s decision to regulate short-term rentals in Boston is a welcomed start to a necessary discussion about protecting our housing stock. The devastating impact of short-term rentals can be seen city-wide and is exasperated by absentee landlords and multi-unit owners.

I hope we get a balanced approach that returns the short-term rental market back to its original intent of providing supplemental income to residents living at the property and provides a way to hold hosts accountable to their neighbors.

I’m excited to work with all stakeholders, including short-term rental companies, to review the necessary data and explore innovative solutions to protect our city’s housing stock and prevent displacement in Boston.”

Boston City Councilor Edwards currently represents district one including the neighborhoods of Charlestown, East Boston, and the North End. 

She was recently appointed by City Council president Andrea Campbell to serve as Chair of the Housing and Community Development committee for FY 2018-2019.

Councilor Edwards was also appointed by Councilor Campbell serve on Boston’s Neighborhood Housing Trust which was established in 1983 to prioritize funding for affordable and workforce units throughout the City by working with developers on large scale projects.

Source: Office of District 1 City Councilor Lydia Edwards