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Monthly Archives: January 2021

Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefit Program Launches For Eligible Workers in Massachusetts

BOSTON – The Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML) today announced that workers eligible for Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) may begin...
John Forbes SC

R.I.P. John L. Forbes, former Executive Director of the East Boston Social Centers

A reflection on the passing of John L Forbes who served as director of the East Boston Social Centers for so many years.

From the Archives: Menino opens new East Boston Branch of the Public Library on...

EastBoston.com was there when then Mayor Thomas M. Menino opened the new facility on Bremen Street. Watch this slide show.

Conte: Survey data says race relations in MA have worsened

It did not take long after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis for opinions on race relations to change. Our recent survey looked...

EastBoston.com Archives: Leaving a legacy of quality, Schirripa family sells landmark Meridian Food Market

by Frank Conte For 30 years, Frank Schirripa and his brother Rocco, along with their brother-in-law, Rocco Petrola, could be found unloading a truck of...

PRA Poll: Support for keeping Columbus Day is strong among Massachusetts voters

Posted by Frank Conte, Data Specialist at Princeton Research Associates.

Obituary: Judge Joseph Ferrino

Judge Joseph Vincent Ferrino, Sr. passed away peacefully on November 22, 2020 in Boston, Massachusetts.  Born in 1926 in Boston, MA, he was a child...
2021 Annual Meeting NOAH in East Boston

NOAH’s Annual Meeting this year is virtual: January 21, 2021

Register at this link: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehf2ltbx3d17cf94&oseq=&c=&ch= For more information visit http://www.noahcdc.org Originally published January 18, 2021
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Some Election Results State Primary 2020 for East Boston including Markey versus Kennedy

This entry was originally published on September 3, 2020.
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