Greenway Council Meeting

    The next Greenway Council Meeting is on Thursday, July 25, at 6:30pm at the YMCA.  The agenda is below.
    There is no Greenway Council Meeting in August, and the next Greenway Council Meeting is September 26h.
    Finally, this is  Michelle Moon’s last meeting with the Greenway Council, with her last day this Friday.
    Much gratitude to Michelle for her great work and enthusiasm for the East Boston Greenway!
    • Welcome + Introductions
    • Police Report
    • Update From Michelle
    • Lighting on Greenway (Ethan)
    • Mini-library update
    • Public Art: Mural + Panels
    • Greenway Extensions
    • Boston Parks Community Meeting #3 (fall 2024 – date tbd)
    • Summer Programs
    • Open Board Positions
    • Other topics.