East Boston Museum and Historical Society to Celebrate Memorial Day with a ‘Salute to East Boston Military Veterans’


Military Photos of Local Veterans to be Displayed May 11, 2-4 p.m., at East Boston Library

EAST BOSTON – The East Boston Museum and Historical Society (EBMHS) will mark Memorial Day 2024 with a “Salute to East Boston Military Veterans.” The Society requests that East Boston veterans and their military families join the celebration by providing a photo from their military service for public display. Each veteran’s photo, and a brief summary of their military career, will be on display for the public on Saturday, May 11, from 2-4 p.m. at the East Boston Public Library on Breman Street.

Photo by Frank Conte for EastBoston.com

“East Boston and its residents have a long, proud history of military service that stretches back more than 100 years, as our men and women answered the call of duty to serve and protect America,” said EBMHS President Debra Cave. “The Museum and Historical Society is here to preserve the history of our community, and we are proud to celebrate Memorial Day with our first-ever photo display that will ‘Salute’ our local veterans. I invite the community to join us that day.”

To participate in the Salute to East Boston Military Veterans, the EBMHS is asking veterans of East Boston – or natives of East Boston – or their military families to provide a photo of their veteran in uniform, as well as a summary of their military service (200 words or less) to the Society. Each summary should include the veteran’s name and East Boston address or former address, branch of the military, brief service record and dates of service, and any honors or medals awarded. Each photo and write-up will then be displayed for public viewing on May 11.

Photos and service summaries can be dropped off to an EBMHS member during office hours at the East Boston Public Library, located at 365 Breman Street, East Boston, during the following days and times:

  • Thursday, March 14, 2024 – 2-4 p.m.;
  • Thursday, March 21, 2024 – 5-7 p.m.; and
  • Saturday, March 23, 2024 – 12 noon-2 p.m.

Following the Salute event, the original photo can be returned to the veteran or military family, or it can be donated to the Society to be included in its East Boston military archives section.

Light refreshments will be served during the Salute.

For more information on the East Boston Museum and Historical Society, please visit the Society’s website at https://www.eastbostonmuseum.org/

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