East Boston’s Libby Murphy elected to the Board of Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts


Waltham, Mass. (June 20, 2023) – Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA), the largest girl serving organization in Massachusetts and 10th largest Girl Scout council in the United States, elect Libby Murphy of East Boston to the Board Nominating and Development Committee during the council’s Annual Meeting, which was hosted on May 11. Voting members of the council elected this year’s slate, which includes three new adult board members, four new girl board members, and three new Board Nominating and Development Committee members. 

With over 16 years of experience in the construction industry, Libby serves as Project Executive at Suffolk. A founding member of Suffolk’s national Women Who Build Employee Resource Group, she provides invaluable mentorship and professional development opportunities to nearly 200 women in Suffolk’s Northeast region. Prior to this, Libby managed complex construction projects for numerous academic and life sciences projects including at the John W. Olver Design Building at UMass Amherst, Boston College, and Cambridge’s Kendall Square. She is enthusiastic about getting girls and young women into STEM fields, something near and dear to her as a Girl Scout alum. 

She is involved with Suffolk’s Rebuild the Ratio initiative, providing mentorship and accentuating representation of women in construction. In this capacity, Libby leads a group of women to build a Girl Scout curriculum surrounding its 10 year partnership with Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts. She also hosts educational and volunteer initiatives ranging from career days and hard hat tours for students, local food drives, and extracurricular activities for special needs students. She serves on the Regional Committee of Suffolk’s employee-run charity, The Giving Circle, and partners with Wonderfund during the holiday season as a part of Suffolk’s Giving Tree. Libby is an active member of Boston’s Professional Women in Construction. She received her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from University of New Hampshire.

“Our Board Nominating and Development Committee is so vital to helping us find the right Board Members to help us advance the Girl Scouts mission,” said Barbara Fortier, Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts. “Our organization is fully dedicated to providing all girls, no matter their circumstances, unmatched opportunities to be their best selves, champion causes, embrace the outdoors, and gain perspectives from peers outside their social circles.”

For more information on Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts, please visit their website, www.gsema.org, or follow their social media channels, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, for the latest updates on the organization.

About Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts 

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA) is 31,500 strong, with 20,000 girls and 11,500 volunteers in 178 communities in eastern Massachusetts, building girl scouts of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. GSEMA is the largest girl serving organization in Massachusetts and the 10th largest Girl Scout council in the United States. Girl Scouts is the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. To volunteer, reconnect, donate, join, or learn more, visit gsema.org.