Third Thursday Reception: Sept. 21, “Tesserae: Locus, Tempus (part 2)”


September 8 – 30, 2023

Paintings by Dominick Takis and Diane Teubner

September 8 – 30, 2023

Opening Reception: September 10, 2-5 pm
Third Thursday Reception: September 21, 6-9 pm
Gallery Hours: Fridays and Saturdays, 2-6 pm,
and by appointment
80 Border Street, East Boston, 02128

Two painters continue their exploration of place and time in their work.

Dominick Takis interprets the land and texture of Sicily, and the ancestral feelings he experienced during a trip to his grandparents’ birthplaces in October 2022. Using paint, lichen, branches, caulking, and mixed-media tesserae, his work reflects his intense appreciation of the mosaics and art of all the peoples who marched through and settled Sicily.

Diane Teubner explores time as it is experienced rhythmically by the grid of color blocks and lines within and between her paintings. She attends to the felt and visual sense of interval and measure, which in turn, gives her a sense of being in place.

About Atlantic Works Gallery

With a growing number of artists displaced by Boston’s soaring rents, East Boston is a richly diverse community which is quickly becoming a vibrant artist enclave. The Atlantic Works Gallery, composed of 29 members of the thriving East Boston Artist Group (EBAG), is a manifestation of this trend. To learn more visit:

Photo credit:
East Boston

Originally posted: September 6, 2023