Supreme Judicial Court gives go-head to Eversource substation in East Boston


From Commonwealth Beacon:

THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT put an end to a decade-long fight over an electric substation in East Boston, ruling unanimously that a state board did not exceed its authority in granting approval for the project and limiting the reach of a state law requiring agencies to consider the environmental burden of such facilities.

Read more here.

And Universal Hub’s take here.

The SJC published opinion on the case is here.

Eversource East Boston 2024
Under construction. The Supreme Judicial Court rules against local organizations paving the way for the completion of Eversource’s substation on Eagle Hill, near the City Yards. (Photo credit: Frank Conte for
 "East Boston Electric Substation Court Ruling."
SJC paves way for Eversource to build its substation on Chelsea Creek, over the opposition of local environmentalists. (Courtesy graphics)