New Book: “The Boston Economy” Understanding and Accessing One of the World’s Greatest Job Markets (2016 edition)

(BOSTON, MA- March 21, 2016)  Boston, Mass. — Boston’s strong economy and the opportunities it offers for college students and job seekers is the focus of a new book by George Donnelly, former editor of the Boston Business Journal.

THE BOSTON ECONOMY: Understanding and Accessing One of the World’s Greatest Job Markets explores the makeup and outlook in the Boston region’s various sectors, including startups, biotech, health care, commercial real estate, and professional services. It also provides advice from area executives and recent graduates on gaining a foothold in the Boston economy and examines key economic policy challenges for Boston and Massachusetts.

“Boston has one of the strongest and most balanced economies in the country, but most of its activity is a mystery to its students and recent grads,” Donnelly said. “Boston excels at many things, but not at promoting its own economy to the next-generation workforce living right under its nose. My book is a first-of-its-kind resource for people to better grasp and take advantage of our dynamic and rapidly changing economy.”

Among the topics covered in The Boston Economy:
  • Fascinating local startups and how to join one;
  • Understanding Boston’s changing marketing and media industry;
  • Boston’s growing role as an international business hub;
  • Opportunities and challenges in financial services;
  • Understanding the leading biotechs and the science behind their success;
  • Who’s who in the Boston business scene;
  • Challenges to Boston’s growth: Transportation, housing and workforce development issues.

The Boston Economy is an invaluable resource for exploring both the granular detail and big-picture themes of a vibrant business scene.  Published by Boston Economy Publishing Inc., the book is available via or on Amazon. 

Contact author George Donnelly at or at 781-223-4389.