Petition to support Don Orione’s proposed leasing of its Orient Heights billboard

File photograph: Frank Conte for

From supporters of the Don Orione Father’s petition:

423 William F. McClellan Highway, East Boston, MA (BOA- 1214604)

“As a local resident of East Boston, I am in strong support of the proposal by The Sons of Divine Providence (Don Orione Fathers) to place a digital billboard at 423 McClellan Highway, East Boston, Massachusetts.

The existing parcel is an eye sore to the community consisting of a steep hill side with overgrown vegetation and two decaying billboards. The project will remove the two existing billboards and complete an extensive landscape design to create a park like setting. The placement of a digital billboard will allow the Fathers to receive substantial revenue to allow them to continue their good work within the community. “

Read more and sign the petition here.

Update: Proposal rejected by the City of Boston’s Zoning Board of Appeal