EB Kiwanis to hold Halloween “Monster Mash” : October 28, 2015


The Kiwanis Club of East Boston will host a Halloween “Monster Mash” costume party on Wednesday, October 28th, from 7-11 p.m. at the Beachmont VFW, 150 Bennington St. in Revere. The party will feature the music of DJ Michael Anthony Gaeta.

Tickets to the Monster Mash are $20 per person, and include light refreshments, raffles, a cash bar and a Halloween Costume Contest with prizes.
The public is invited to attend, and tickets can be obtained from Kiwanis Club members, including club President-elect John Schwagerl at 617-592-6773.
Any funds raised by the club during the Halloween Monster Mash will be used for the club’s charitable activities in East Boston. So please join the club for a ghoulishly good time!
Kiiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. The East Boston Kiwanis Club meets every first and third Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Spinelli’s in Day Square, East Boston.