Save the date: Kiwanis Club of East Boston 75th Diamond Jubilee Celebration: June 21, 2022


East Boston Kiwanis Club to Celebrate its 75th Anniversary

The Kiwanis Club of East Boston marks its 75th Anniversary with a celebration set for Tuesday, June 21, from 6-9 p.m. at Spinelli’s Function Hall, 282 Chelsea Street in East Boston. The Diamond Jubilee Celebration features current and past Kiwanis Club members, and hosts Kiwanians from neighboring clubs, local businesses and community organizations.

Since 1947, the Kiwanis Club served the East Boston community and its residents in need. Over the years, the club awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships to East Boston students, hosted the yearly Bicycle Safety Rodeo and bike helmet giveaway, supported East Boston youth sports teams and youth organizations, collected food and clothing for local food pantries and assistance drives, delivered holiday baskets for those in need, and hosted local senior citizens for outings in Salem and Westford.

“The Kiwanis Club of East Boston is an institution in this community, serving local children, senior citizens and those in need for the past 75 years,” said club President Andrea DiBattista. “Over that time, members have donated their time, money and creativity to lift up the East Boston community, helping to improve the quality of life for all residents here.”


Tickets to the club’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration are $50 per person. For tickets, or information about joining this community service organization, call 617-823-2170.