Jan. 24, 2015: East Boston Kiwanis Club to Host Winter Classic Half Ball Tournament this Saturday to Raise Funds for Charities


EAST BOSTON – The Kiwanis Club of East Boston will hold its second annual Winter Classic Half Ball Tournament this Saturday, January 24 from 5-8 p.m. at the Marty Pino Community Center, 86 Boardman St. in Orient Heights. Funds raised by the tournament will partially go to “The Eliminate Project” sponsored by Kiwanis International and Unicef and to the Kiwanis Club’s local Community Service activities.

Half Ball teams of four are invited to participate in the tournament for an entry fee of $100. To sign up, contact Kiwanis Club President Clark Moulasion at 617-699-7121 or by e-mail at: carmellasmarket@verizon.net. The tournament will also feature a basketball free-throw shooting contest.

Kiwanis International’s “The Eliminate Project” is raising $110 million to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus around the world and funds from this tournament will help to save the lives of mothers and their children in many underdeveloped countries. For more information on The Eliminate Project, turn here: http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx

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