Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Meeting agenda for November 9th 7pm


Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Meeting agenda for November 9th 7:pm
Jeffries Point Yacht Club
565 Sumner st.

Agenda – 

Announcement from Treasurer Matt Barison

Police update

14 Murray ct.  – Vote.  Atty . Richard Lynds
303 Sumner st. – Vote  . Atty .Richard Lynds
289 Marginal st. – Vote .   Atty. Diane Modica
5 Lamson street – Vote
Loftel – Update & Vote.   Jon Serra

Massport expansion of terminal E  – Anthony Guerriero

Composting in East Boston – Jordan Smith
Boston Home Center – Rob Consalvo
Solar Energy – Matt Rosa

Presentations will be posted on line for upcoming votes.  We encourage people to review in advance.