Monday, September 13th, 2021
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Zoom Video Conference
In order to speak aloud as an abutter, you must register for this meeting by Sunday, September 12th at 7pm.
PLEASE NOTEIn order to qualify to vote at a voting meeting each person must be registered and join the meeting as an individual. You will not be counted as an attendee at a meeting should you participate in the Zoom call as a couple or family.
As part of this meeting will be having a forum for Boston Mayoral Candidates. We will be posting on social media asking the community what questions we should ask candidates in advance, as well as allowing a limited amount of questions via the chat. Feel free to email your questions to us in advance by replying to this email as well. Please note that we will NOT be able to get to all questions either emailed in advance/via chat due to time constraints.
The following is the agenda for our upcoming monthly meeting:
AGENDA (subject to change):
Greetings & Announcements
Boston Police Update
Recognition of Officer Danny Simmons
Mayoral Candidate Forum:
John Barros
Andrea Campbell
Annissa Essaibi George
Kim Janey
Michelle Wu
VOTE: 31 Cottage St - The Project is to build an Internal Staircase which leads to a roof hatch access that will open up to a roof deck. Roof Deck will be grey trex decking with a cable fencing around the perimeter roughly 450 sq ft.
VOTE: 3 Ardee St - This project proposes a property addition, specifically an 840 sq. ft. roof deck addition to an existing building at 3 Ardee Street. This deck would be a private deck for the use of Unit 3, accessible via an interior staircase which will be added to the unit and an access head-house standing a total of 53' 2.5" from ground level. An exterior staircase option was explored but is not possible due to the original balcony construction, therein violating safety requirements for spiral staircase width. The roof deck is intended to be a cable-rail or glass enclosure.
VOTE: 295 Webster St - Certify use & occupancy as a 3 unit dwelling.
As a reminder, all questions will be handled via the Zoom chat feature. We ask all attendees to remain muted unless called upon to speak. Looking forward to “seeing” you all there!
We are using eBallot to manage the voting process. Within 48 hours after the meeting, eligible voters will be emailed a link that will allow them to vote online. All votes must be cast by Friday, September 17th at 7pm. Late votes will not be accepted, no exceptions.