Pirandello Scholarship Drive hosts Wine Tasting Event Nov. 16, 2014


Join  Pirandello Lyceum for it’s first Wine Tasting event to support the Pirandello’s Scholarship Fund.  

President Rosario Cascio is extending an invitation to all members and non members  who like to enjoy good company, good food, good music and good wine.  We have a limited  number of tickets available.

“ This is our first Wine Tasting, “ said President Cascio, “ and it’s certain to be a hit with those who appreciate good  talian wine. “

However, said Cascio, the number of tickets is limited so individuals planning on attending should make reservations early.

The event will be held on November 16, 2014 at Spinelli’s in East Boston, from 4 – 7 P. M. and will feature wines from Friuli ( Pighin Refosco and Sauvignon)   and wines from Piemonte (Ca’ Rapulin Barbera d’Asti and Moscato d’Asti). Jean Paul Onofri and Tino Valdesolo will be presenting and describing the wine’s origin and unique characteristics. 

Refreshments and Italian music will make the evening enjoyable.  

There is convenient parking near Spinelli’s.

Tickets are $ 40.  Please call Nicolane Domond  at 617-710-8260 for reservations. Checks should be made out to the Pirandello Lyceum, and mailed to P.O. Box 565, Boston, MA 02128.  Any questions should be directed to President Rosario Cascio at : Pirandellolyceum@aol.com

Spinelli’s is located at 282 Bennington Street (Day Square)  East Boston, MA.