Pro-life Catholics observe Stations of the Cross at Don Orione on Good Friday


Under the title of the Way of the Cross for Life, local Catholics gathered to observe Good Friday at the Madonna Shrine of Don Orione. In the past, local Catholics marched through the streets of East Boston but Covid brought an end to the annual Holy Week observation. Approximately 75 participants shared prayers on the plaza of the historic Madonna Shrine on Orient Avenue.

From the Rosary Crusade for Life pamphlet:

Throughout the world people are bringing rosaries to priests for a special blessing with the intention of saving unborn children. Ask your priest to give your rosaries this blessing, ideally by placing the rosaries on the altar at the end of the

Eternal Father, through Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and all the Angels and Saints, I ask that these rosaries presented on Thy sacred altar in the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass may obtain for those who use them this grace: that with each bead that passes through their fingers, a child may be saved from the act of abortion.

Photographs by Frank Conte for

Originally posted Good Friday, April 7, 2023