Meeting Notice: Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association 3/8/21



Monday, March 8th, 2021
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Zoom Video Conference


We ask everyone to register 24 hours in advance to help us manage the meeting.

PLEASE NOTEIn order to qualify to vote at a voting meeting each person must be registered and join the meeting as an individual. You will not be counted as an attendee at a meeting should you participate in the Zoom call as a couple or family.

The following is the agenda for our upcoming monthly meeting.

AGENDA (subject to change):

Greetings & Announcements
Boston Police Update
Lina Tramelli, Mayor's Liaison
Plan East Boston - Jason Ruggiero
East Boston Justice Transportation Coalition 
Coastal Zone Management (CZM) on the East Boston DPA Review - Erikk Hokenson
VOTE: 153 Everett St - Installation of a 200 sq ft roof deck. Homeowner: Taylor Kale & Dennis Topakov
VOTE: 14 Murray Ct - Construction of a 522 sq ft roof deck and steel spiral staircase. Homeowner: Daniel Griffith & Diana Delliacona
VOTE: 34 Cottage St - Change of occupancy from a 3-family to a 4-family. Homeowner: Kieran O'Sullivan

As a reminder, all questions will be handled via the Zoom chat feature. We ask all attendees to remain muted unless called upon to speak. Looking forward to “seeing” you all there!

We are using eBallot to manage the voting process. Within 48 hours after the meeting, eligible voters will be emailed a link that will allow them to vote online. All votes must be cast by Friday, December 18th at 7pm. Late votes will not be accepted, no exceptions.

We hope you and your loved ones are well. We are all in this together as neighbors and friends. Please don’t be afraid to reach out.

2021 meeting dates are posted at