“We are already in mid month of January of this new year, 2022. I wish you all the best in this new year,” says Sandra Niijar, Founder and Executive Director of the East Boston Community Soup Kitchen, “I pray that each and every one of you are safe, healthy and happy.”
Others may not have started a great new year. The biting January cold places another burden on our fellow neighbors who struggle to find a warm place to eat.
“The hard winter days are here and we are in dire need for your help to get long if possible unisex rain-proof winter jackets that both men and women can wear to give to our soup kitchen’s guests who come to stand in line outside in the cold and in the windy weather in search for a bag of food,” says Nijjar. “We also need winter shoes, sizes for women are 8, 9 and 10 and for men are 8, 9, 10 and 11. We ask that the items are new or slightly used and we also need many outdoor bag packs.
“The sooner the EBCSK can them the better, given that the cold weather is here and it will take some time before the warm weather gets here, meanwhile, we have many folks who are cold and cannot afford to buy a winter coat, and therefore they ask us for help to get one,” she adds.
Below is the link to the kitchen’s wish list if you are interested in ordering from Amazon.
The EBCSK can provide you with a tax write-off for your donation.
The kitchen’s mailing address is P.O. Box 497, East Boston, MA 02128.
Read more about the East Boston Community Soup Kitchen here at EastBoston.com