(EAST BOSTON – March 4, 2016) A meeting of the Ward 1 Democratic Committee has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 16, 2016 to be held at 6:00pm at the Salesian Boys & Girls Club, 150 Byron St., East Boston.
The ward caucus will elect delegates to attend a conference to vote on who will be elected to fill a vacant Male caucus seat on the Democratic State Committee for the First Suffolk & Middlesex Senate District. The conference take place on March 26 at 2:00 PM at a location to be determined.
All Democrats are welcome to attend the meeting, but only those registered as Democrats at an address within the ward as of January 31, 2016, will be eligible to be elected a delegate or to be nominated as a delegate.
This will also be an organizational meeting and will be used to elect officers for the ward committee.
Again, all Democrats are welcome to attend.
However, only current members of the ward committee can seek leadership positions and will be eligible to vote for officers. Those interested in becoming new members of the ward and city committees are encouraged to attend.
Questions? Contact Ward 1 chairman Michael Sulprizio at msulprizio@comcast.net. You can also follow the Ward Committee on Twitter @wardldemsEB or “Like” us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ward1dems/
Agenda 3/16/2016
- calling the roll of members
- reading the minutes of the previous meeting
- report of the Treasurer
- report of other officers and of committees or sub-committees
- reading of communications
- unfinished business – new business
- Election of conference delegates
- Election of officers
- Vote on by-laws
- First Suffolk Middlesex Senate Seat endorsement
- Endorsement rules
7. comment period
8. adjournment