May 29, 2018: Gove Street Citizens Association: Monthly Meeting Agenda


Tuesday, May 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Catherine Leonard-McLean Community Room  
(formerly Noddle Island Community Room) 
Logan Airport Rental Car Center

1. Welcome & Project Updates

2. Elected Officials Updates
a. Senator Joseph Boncore
b. Representative Adrian Madaro
c. City Councilor Lydia Edwards

3. Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC)
BWSC has been upgrading and/or replacing the water, sewer and drainage systems in the neighborhood. BWSC Director of Construction Irene McSweeney will discuss the next phase of construction for the coming months. 

4. Friends of the East Boston Greenway
Update on funded work in the Greenway – Kannan Thiru & Chris Marchi

5. Project Presentations
a. 25 Everett Street
A project to demolish existing structures, combine front and rear lots and erect a 4 story, 8-unit residential building.
Attorney Richard Lynds, 2nd presentation/VOTE

b. 28 – 30 Geneva Street
A proposal to demolish existing structures and to build 6 stories, 32 units, and 15 parking spaces.
Attorney Jeff Drago, 3rd Presentation/VOTE

6. Neighborhood Services 

Location: The Catherine Leonard-McLean (formerly Noddle Island) Community Room is located on the first floor of the Logan Airport Rental Car Center, situated at the end of Porter Street. Free event parking in front of the building and in the Porter Street parking lot adjacent to the building.

LOCATION – The Noddle Island Community Room located on the first floor of the Logan Airport Rental Car Center situated at the end of Porter Street. Free event parking in front of the building and in the Porter Street parking lot adjacent to the building.