Pirandello Lyceum’s 2nd Annual Boston Bel Canto Opera draws a full house at Dante Alighieri Society March 2019


On Sunday, February 17th, the Luigi Pirandello Lyceum sponsored the 22nd Annual presentation of the Boston Bel Canto Opera at the Dante Alighieri Society in Cambridge.

The event was sponsored by Attorney Frank Fradella, Dr. Peter Campisano and Joyce Tower.  

It was coordinated by Pirandello Lyceum Corresponding Secretary, Dorothy Maio, and supported by Board members Stephen Maio, Maria Luisa Saraceni and Vice-President/Treasurer Maria Capogreco.  

The Opera, featured renowned Maestro Bradley Pennington and the Boston Bel Canto Opera Singers, sopranos Lisa Ann Correnti and Meredith Hansen, and tenors Giovanni Formisano and David Rivera-Bozon gave a stellar performance. 

It was an inspiring performance taken from some of the Masterworks of the operatic repertoire presented to a full house. 

The BBCO singers are consummate, elite opera singers. Their performance was richly done and was breathtakingly beautiful. They all have golden voices producing music as richly and warm as it is remarkably clear. Their clarity of tone is so beautiful to hear and it’s combined with a breadth and depth of emotion that creates a splendor and beauty unparalleled to our ears. As always, their performance personifies the “sublime beauty”, the “Bel Canto” –  beautiful singing – it is truly “bell’arte!”   

This year’s special acknowledgement was the presentation of the coveted “Pirandello Certificate of Recognition” awarded to the elite Boston Bel Canto Opera singers by President, Dr. Domenic Amara and Board Member, Dr. Anthony Lori. 

Last  year, Dr. Amara presented to the Pirandello Lyceum Board Members his idea of creating and presenting a “Pirandello Certificate of Recognition” Award to individuals or organizations that promulgated our beautiful and rich Italian Culture, History and Language. 

With the Board’s approval, Dr. Anthony Lori and James Pinzino, President of IAM Books,  were appointed to a committee to select and award a certificate that recognized their contribution  and demonstrated to the recipient(s) that their contribution was understood and appreciated.

The Lyceum looks forward to next year’s event.

Source: Pirandello Lyceum 2/28/2019