East Boston Community Soup Kitchen names Elena Jimenez new executive director


This just in from an April 23, 20220 email from Sandra Aleman Nijjar and EBCSK Board of Directors

“Dear friends of our East Boston Community Soup Kitchen (EBCSK), I hope my email finds you doing well and that you are enjoying the beautiful spring weather. I am here on a Saturday afternoon watering my seedlings.

I, along with our board of directors, are beyond excited and blessed to have this opportunity to share with you all the great news of our new team member joining our soup kitchen’s efforts. Please meet our new Executive Director, Elena Jimenez. Elena has an incredible background in working in non-profits, and has an incredible strong solid background in running and directing all sorts of projects. Elena has the skill sets, education, knowledge, empathy, compassion and heart to help our organization’s growth in continuing its mission and more. Elena is the person who will be in charge of the day-to-day operations and will be working on developing and strengthening further the growth and structure of the organization. It would be wonderful if you could please meet with each other in person in the very near future.

Please feel free to connect directly with Elena and please help us welcome her to our non-profit sector and into our awesome community. This is her email address…elena@ebkitchen.org and also our soup kitchen’s email is…ebcsk.info@gmail.com

No worries, I am not going anywhere far. I am going to continue to be the founder and president of the board and will continue to be involved in the soup kitchen’s growth. I am not going to be in charge of the day-to-day operations, but I will be around to support Elena in anything she may need me to help her with.

Thank you, wholeheartedly, everyone for your continuous support. We appreciate your support more than words can describe.

With excitement and gratitude,

Sandra Aleman Nijjar and EBCSK Board of Directors”

ElenaJimenez East Boston
Elena Jimenez, Courtesy: EBCSK

Read more about the East Boston Community Soup Kitchen here.