The next meeting for the JPNA is scheduled for Monday January 12th at 7pm at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club, located at 565 Sumner Street.
The agenda is as follows:
- Police update
- Corinne Petraglia from the Mayor’s office
- 101 Cottage Street, Extension of current living space, Richard Lynds. VOTING
- 10-18, 20-22 Haynes St. 10-18 Haynes is new construction of 6 units with parking on the bottom, 20-22 is renovation of an existing building and would be 4 units. Richard Lynds is representative. VOTING*
- 64-66 Gove Street New construction of 6 condo units. Richard Lynds is representative, VOTING
- Future Automotive Site, 31 Orleans St. New construction of 15 units with parking on the bottom floor. Rodney Sinclair is representative, VOTING
- City Councilor Sal LaMattina is speaking