Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Meeting Set for Jan.12


The next meeting for the JPNA is scheduled for Monday January 12th at 7pm at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club, located at 565 Sumner Street.  

The agenda is as follows:

  • Police update
  • Corinne Petraglia from the Mayor’s office
  • 101 Cottage Street, Extension of current living space, Richard Lynds. VOTING 
  • 10-18, 20-22 Haynes St.  10-18 Haynes is new construction of 6 units with parking on the bottom, 20-22 is renovation of an existing building and would be 4 units. Richard Lynds is representative. VOTING*
  • 64-66 Gove Street New construction of 6 condo units. Richard Lynds is representative, VOTING 
  • Future Automotive Site, 31 Orleans St.  New construction of 15 units with parking on the bottom floor. Rodney Sinclair is representative, VOTING 
  • City Councilor Sal LaMattina is speaking